Saturday, May 22, 2010

Air Travel Rules: Are They Different With Children?

Are you and your family planning on taking a trip now or in the near future? If so, there is a good chance that you all will be flying on airplane. When traveling a long distance, especially with children, airplanes can be the quickest way to get to your destination. However, when it comes to air travel rules and children, many parents are confused. Many of those parents mistakenly believe that their child is exempt from all air travel rules, including airport security checkpoints. Unfortunately, this is not true.

If you are planning on traveling with your child, they will not receive a free pass. This means that they must undergo the exact same screening process as everyone else. Although you will all be going through the same screening process, you will want to prepare for it a little bit differently. This preparation should not only be used to ensure that you and your family make it through the airport screening process, but that you and your family have a pleasant experience when doing so.

The first step in preparing for air travel is explaining the air travel rules to your child or children. Depending on their age, this can be a fairly difficult task. When explaining the screening process, it is important that your child knows they will have to enter the metal detectors. If your child can walk, they are encouraged to go through them alone. Although there is a good chance that the alarm will not sound, especially if you check their clothing before you leave; it could still be a fairly scary process. In the event that the alarm on the metal detector does sound, your child will be pulled aside, just like everyone else.

It is also important to talk to your children about what is allowed and what is not allowed on the airplane. For instance, there is a good chance that your child would like to take a drink with them. Recently, there was a ban imposed on liquids and carryon luggage. While there are a few exceptions, namely baby formula, your child will likely have to go without a beverage, although they should be provided with one as soon as they board the plane. It is also advised to let them know that some of their toys may need to be left at home. These toys may include ones that are large, have sharp objects, or appear as if they are real weapons.

As previously mentioned, your child’s age is important when explaining air travel to them. You will find that most older children, including teenagers, completely understand everything that you are saving, but smaller children may not. If you are afraid that your toddler does not comprehend what you are saying, it may be a good idea to arrive at the airport even earlier than recommended. You should be able to stay off to the side and watch other passengers, especially those who are going through the screening process. This, along with a simple explanation, may help your child to see and understand what will happen to them later on.

While you may not necessarily think about it, it is important that you make sure that your child understands that they are not to joke about having a bomb or any other weapon on an airplane. Airport security, although it is a serious issue, has become a joke to many people, including some children. Your child may not have a weapon onboard and they may only make a comment with the intention of getting a laugh, there is a lot more that they could get. As previously mentioned, when it comes to air travel children receive the same attention as adults do. This means that if your child is overheard making a joke on the plane that may cause some security concerns; it is likely that your whole family, including your child, will be removed from the plane and detained by airport security, until the situation has been resolved.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind, you should not have any problems traveling with your child. Even if you feel that your child is mature for their age, it is still a good idea to remind them of all air travel rules, not only for the sake of your trip, but for their own safety as well.

Air Travel Rules: Are They Different For Those With a Disability?

When planning to take a trip, by way of airplane, there are a number of different factors that you should consider. One of those factors includes whether or not you have a disability. Even if you do not have a disability, you also need to be prepared if you are traveling with someone else who has one. This preparation does not just include packing your bags for your trip, but it is also includes familiarizing yourself with air travel rules. Although most of the rules are the same, you will find that some rules differ for those who have a medical condition or a disability.

The first step in preparing for a trip with someone who is disabled, whether that person be yourself or another traveler, is to alert the airline. When making your reservation, you may want to inform the airline staff of any disability or medical condition that you may have. Although this is not necessary, it may be a good idea, especially if you will be traveling with medical equipment. Extra accommodations will need to be made for those who are traveling, past airport security checkpoints, with wheelchairs or mobility scooters. Learning what you will need to do with these items, ahead of time, is a great way to make your travel plans run as smoothly as possible.

It is also a good idea to famialrize yourself with the airport screening process. All individuals will need to go through medical detectors. If you or someone who you know is traveling with medical equipment that will set off the alarms, it is likely that they will be pulled aside for additional screening. This screening should only take a few minutes, but it will be done by a trained professional who will show compassion when dealing with those with a disability.

Unlike most other air travelers, who at this time are required to remove their shoes, those with a disability can leave their shoes on if they choose to do so. However, it is important to note that you may be subject to additional screening. To prevent this additional screening from occurring, you are advised to remove your shoes, if at all possible. In the event that you are unable to, it will not be a big ordeal. In fact, the additional screening often requires a quick swipe of a metal detector wand.

In addition to those with a disability, most airports have made special arrangements and exceptions for those who have a medical condition, especially one that requires medication at a specific time. You are allowed to keep your medication with you, in your carryon luggage, but you are advised to keep the dosages in small amounts. Due to the current ban on liquids, you are advised to have the proper medical identification. This means that you should keep your medication in the original package, especially if your name is on it. To be allowed through to the next checkpoint, your name will have to match the name of the prescription bottle. If it does not, there is a chance that you will have your medication confiscated.

By keeping the above mentioned points in mind you or your traveling partners, who may have a medical condition or a disability, should easily be able to make it to your intended destination. In the event that you are unsure about a particular screening procedure or if you have any other questions, you are advised to contact the airline in which you will be flying on or the airport that you will be leaving from, before your arrive there. Planning ahead is the best way to make your next flight a memorable and hassle-free experience.

Air Travel: Is the Clothing You Wear Important

When it comes to air travel and clothing, we are all different. There are some travelers who are dressed in business suits, others in traditional jeans, and others who wear something as comfortable as possible, such as their pajamas or sweat pants. With the recent increase in airport security and the recent change in air travel rules, there are many individuals who wonder if the clothing they wear to the airport is important. If you are one of those individuals, you can rest assure because, in most cases, it is not.

It seems as if ever since airplanes became the popular way to travel, a focus has been placed on comfort. Regardless of whether or not you will be taking a long flight, you will want to be comfortable. There is nothing worse than wearing an itchy sweater or tight pair of pants up in the air. Unless you bring a chance of clothes with you and place them in your carryon bag, you are out of luck. That is why it is important that you think of what you will be wearing before you leave for the airport. Even if you are traveling for business, you should be able to change in to your business clothes as soon as you arrive at your destination, even in the airport bathrooms.

When it comes to comfort, as previously mentioned, many air travelers make the decision to wear sweat pants and a comfortable top. In addition to being comfortable, you will find, in most cases, that these types of clothes are the best for airport security, especially when entering airport screening checkpoints. This is because most sweat pants are not made with any metal items. Essentially, this means that you should be able to enter the security checkpoint and leave it quicker than most other travelers, such as the travelers who are decked out in accessories.

When it comes to clothing accessories, you will find that a number of different items set off airport metal detectors. That is why most airport security officers request that you remove all of your jewelry. Once your jewelry is removed, you will need to place it in a small bin, which will be scanned right along with your carryon luggage. Whether you have rings or a necklace, you are advised to remove them, if you can. For your convenience, you can leave your earrings on. If by chance, you earrings set the metal detectors off, you will likely be pulled a side and airport security should easily be able to tell whether or not your earring were what set off the alarms.

In addition to jewelry, you will find that your belt may even set off an airport’s metal detector. For that reason, a large number of airports have requested that you remove your belts before entering the metal detectors. Since a large number of travelers wear belts, this is done to help speed up the process of checking each and every passenger. If you do not enjoy removing some of your jewelry or removing your belt, it is advised that you leave those items at home.

Recently, a number of new air travel rules have been implemented. One of those rules requires that all passengers remove their shoes. Your shoes, once removed, will be scanned by an x-ray machine, right along with the rest of your carryon luggage. In recent years, only random passengers were asked to remove their shoes, but now everyone is. For that reason, you will to wear simple shoes that you can easily remove and put back on.

Another air travel rule, recently implemented, is the ban of liquids. This means that adults are no longer allowed to bring a drink onboard, even bottle water. It also means that you are prohibited from placing liquid beauty supplies in your carryon luggage. One concern, made by many women is the allowance of gel or water filled bras. Currently, you are allowed to wear these types of bras onboard an airplane. Honestly, unless you mention it to airport security, there is a good chance that they would never even know.

Since there are really no rules or restrictions on the clothing that you can wear while flying the great skies, you need to choose for yourself. Whether you want to be fashionable or comfortable, it is all up to you.

Airport Security Checkpoints: What You Need to Know

In recent years, as well as recent months, air travel rules have changed. If you are planning on flying, you will find that most of these changes have occurred right at airports, namely airport security checkpoints. If you are about to head off to catch a flight, whether you leave tomorrow or in two weeks, it is advised that you famialrize yourself with these new air travel rules, namely the ones that are enforced at airport security checkpoints.

When it comes to airport security checkpoints, there are many passengers who only think of one checkpoint, but the reality is that there are actually three. The first checkpoint is when you go to register for your seat on the plane. This is the time when you will be presented with your boarding passes and when you must hand over the luggage that you would like checked. In addition to handing over your plane tickets or requesting your boarding passes, you will need to show the proper forms of identification. These items most commonly include a driver’s license or a government issued identification card.

Once you have received all of your boarding passes, for all of your flights, you will need to hand over your luggage that you will be leaving below in the plane. These bags are commonly referred to as checked baggage or checked luggage. As with your carryon luggage, your checked baggage will need to be checked for prohibited items. In the past, only a small number of bags were hand checked, but now almost all are. Many of these checks are quick look-overs, but you may be subject to a random, extensive search. This search often includes the checking of all baggage compartments, as well as the wiping of a cloth, which is looking for powdery substances.

When you have been cleared to the next stage, you will need to go through the main airport security checkpoints. This point is where you will be required to have your carryon luggage scanned by an x-ray machine. You will also need to walk through a metal detector. In the past, only random travelers were asked to remove their shoes for checking. At the current time, all air travelers, with the exception of those with a disability or hindering medical condition, are required to remove their shoes. Your shoes will be x-rayed, along with the rest of your carryon luggage.

By familiarizing yourself with the items that are banned aboard an airplane, including items that are only prohibited from being stored in your carryon luggage, an unnecessary incident could be prevented. In the event that you are found carrying a prohibited item, certain steps will be taken. Depending on the item in question, you may be required to return the item to you car, discard of it, mail it to your home, or turn it over to airport security. Ensuring that you leave all prohibited items at home is the best way to prevent this unnecessary tie up, which may cause you to miss your flight.

Once you have been cleared at the main security checkpoint, you will need to go through one more security checkpoint. This is the final step before being able to board your airplane. When entering the airport terminal, after your airline as granted permission for passengers to board, you will need to present airline officials with the appropriate boarding pass. As this time you may need to show your identification again; however, it isn’t always necessary. Most travelers are easily able to board their airplane, but you may be pulled aside in the event that you are acting suspicious or drawing unwanted attention to yourself. That is why it is best that you stay calm during all airport checkpoints, including the final boarding stage.

Perhaps, the best way to ensure that your next flight is as pleasant as it can be is to follow all air travel rules. Knowing these rules ahead of time, including the screening process, you should ensure that you are able to board your plane and make it to your intended destination without incident.
